“Will is a great teacher and coach – definitely recommend for spiritual growth and renewal. Will imparts his knowledge with a dash of humor and levity which keeps it light while growing at the same time. Recommended if you come from a science/objective background and are interested in taking a dip into the spiritual waters. Equally recommended if you come from an established subjective spiritual experience and looking for some grounding. His deft balance of objectivity, belief, spirituality, and levity provides buoyancy in navigating the deeper depths of the spiritual waters. Balanced on the Yin (feminine / deontological / collective coordination) / Yang (masculine / utilitarian / individual expression), with a slight leaning towards the Yang expression.”
“Will imparts wisdom that is essential.
Will shares commonalities with many great spiritual teachers: Kindness, patience, integrity, peace and a great deal of Love and Joy. Yet he is unique in his both his background experience and his character.
Will has had the privilege to appreciate some profound aspects of reality as they are represented in leading edge of mathematics. He’s also a veteran psychonaut and he has reconciled his many experiences with his extensive philosophical readings and research.
Despite his substantial experience in the pursuit (both conventional and radical) of the great reality, Will is innately playful and lighthearted. He always seems to be frolicking on some level. His lively nature resonates with some important part of who I am. He has an honesty venerability that is contagious, freeing, and a powerful catalyst for spiritual growth.
I can’t recommend him highly enough.”
“For someone who feels called to instruct others in spiritual matters – a path that requires a great deal of conviction in oneself – Will retains a wealth of curiosity and humility. He is a fiery spirit who believe passionately what he believes at all, and promotes his convictions with courageous ferocity, yet he is capable of listening so well that the moments in which I have expressed my own thoughts with the best combination of nuance and clarity have often come in conversations with him. Few people possess such balanced combinations of these qualities.”
“”I affectionately think of Will as a dolphin mentor. He is playful, he is wise, and I often find I feel a better mammal after swimming with his pod.
And he catalyzes the same in others – I’ve observed my mental manuevers shift into overdrive during our conversations, and he tends to bring out an exquisite poetry in me that lurks latent otherwise.He does and sparks all of this while seeming to exude nothing but himself: just another questing warmblood on this rock, with a fierce passion to share what love and energy he can.”
“Before working with Will, I thought my professional career was at odds with my artistic pursuits. I felt lost and stifled in outlets that used to bring me the most joy. Will helped me reconcile these aspects of the self, gain clarity on the life that is most meaningful for me, and define clear steps to achieve it.
He coached me to develop healthy habits and eliminate the ways I was obstructing and inhibiting my own self-expression. I’ve gained confidence to make decisions and take action from a foundation of hope and love instead of one built on fear and insecurity. As an artist, this was fundamental to finding my new voice, focusing my vision, and feeling reinvigorated in my work. I’m thrilled to report I have more creative projects going right now than in the last 5 years combined.
The program has also facilitated a sort of “re-awakening” of my dream life, which is essential to my art. I was able to transition from years of restless sleep and not remembering dreams at all to regularly having dreams where I connect deeply with different dimensions of the self—dreams that profoundly inform my waking life. I’m eternally grateful for the catalyst Will provided in this regard.
Wherever you are on your journey, Will can provide that extra push of support, in addition to acting as a limitless resource for tools, techniques, and wisdom. Working with will has energized me for the (much-anticipated) second act of my life.”