Here’s the play-by-play for 6 months.
The strategy is a structured push where it’s all within reach, and yet we’re moving forward systematically.
- Month 1 – Health First
- (1) Cleanse
- 4 weeks to start
- Cleanse and New Diet
- Information
- Toxins
- Gut health is brain health
- Supplements too
- Bundle
- Do the cleanse bundle
- whaddup!
- whole new way of eating 🙂
- Crew Accountability
- no man left behind
- Information
- Cleanse and New Diet
- 4 weeks to start
- (2) Lens
- Worldview course
- Seth book
- epistemology expansion
- Optional Bonus: Law of One
- Q&A with Will
- Protocol on Group Tracking
- (2 – Bonus)
- Dream Tracking
- The saving grace and magic space
- may get future tellz here – look for it
- ask questions too – get answer
- (3) – Rev
- Yoga
- Start it
- Meditate
- Start it
- Yoga
- Month 2 – Whistle While We Work
- Morning Candle Lit
- For this month only (at least)
- Morning Meditation
- Gratitude while finding Center
- Intentions and Clarity (Received and Set)
- Aim to carry the flame all day (see how the Spongebob antennas flutter)
- For this month only (at least)
- Cleanse
- Medicine Walk
- Full day fast and walk in nature (native threshold experience)
- Juicing
- Medicine Walk
- Movement
- Ramping this up
- Yoga module for those who need it (likely everyone)
- Strength module for those who need it
- Shaman side
- Barefoot rituals
- Intention setting and shaman-prayers
- moon schedule
- intuited times
- nightly! (bonus, when inspiration comes for this)
- soul contracts / burning them
- Ramping this up
- Group Tracking of Framework 2
- gathering proof in pudding
- learning how to look for it
- Shadow/Subconscious
- Get the Lesson from Will
- Create Trauma List
- Identify ‘current lessons’ list
- DUCKS [subconscious sabatooors]
- Zazen (Start Zen Sitting)
- Prep for Bodyfulness Course
- 20-40mins every night
- Off alcohol (at least for weeknights)
- Morning Candle Lit
- Month 3 – Starting to Sizzle
- Sizzle Function for Body
- Upping the Energy and Nature Kick
- Workout and Shaman routines
- Adding in Somatics
- TRE Module
- Plant Medicine Rituals (rare, start with CBD and THC tops) with movement/shaman playbook
- Off Drugs & Ducks
- Understanding the GLORY lesson from Will
- Making the plan for this &
- begin executing the 45-degree angle plan
- understand/honest with rollbacks
- have the goalposts though
- group accountability/support
- Zazen
- Committed, finding it – working for it
- Zazen all day – begin posture awareness
- Psychology Side
- Gathering core intentions
- Asking for support in Dream Time
- Preparing for Solstice Ceremony
- Solstice Ceremony
- Sizzle Function for Body
- Month 4 – Zazen the Motherline
- Bodyfulness
- Super-focuse the Motherline focuse (Zazen all day, root Hindu lock)
- Emotional/Physical line (breathing, posture, chemical soup)
- holding that heat map all day
- soma gestalt as ‘mindfulness’
- Building the Soma Flexion Amoeba Function
- Supplemental Tool
- Feldenkrais – sampling
- TRE – Aiming for whole body; long sessions; amoeba; waves both ways
- Psyche Scrub
- Attuning to the New on Selected Subconscious Line
- Follow-Through on Solstice Ceremony Learnings
- Group Dialogue on Family Dynamics, homework on this
- Observing head Bow in real time (related to Motherline)
- Fitness (crankin!)
- Sun
- Guns
- (Feminine Whip)
- Bodyfulness
- Month 5 – Aslan in Frame and Spirit
- Group Shares on Psyche (SUPPORT!)
- Blind Spots, Working On
- In the HIGHEST Activities (locking into that frequency we’re pulling in)
- Dream Time
- Shares – Top Dreams and Significance
- New Dream Asks (Major Questions, Guidance)
- Super Strong
- Maxing out the beast mode
- Calisthenics, Beast mode at park
- Cordyceps, Beet, Creatine
- Spirit Strong
- Intentions ~Daily
- barefoot
- contract style
- shaman style
- Tipping the Barrel, Overcoming
- clearing psyche scrub with group shares
- group support
- goals in sight
- being them now
- Intentions ~Daily
- Zazen for 40 nightly
- TRE if not at amoeba
- Feldenkrais as bonus
- Magical Antennas and Shares
- Homework on Interpreting Events
- Calling it in/Sharing results
- Group Shares on Psyche (SUPPORT!)
- Month 6 – Splits
- Phoenix
- Leaving the lower-self and the lower frequency in the grave (to the extent we can)
- group support
- permanent frequency rise is the goal
- Individualized game plans
- Leaving the lower-self and the lower frequency in the grave (to the extent we can)
- Flight Support
- Stabilizing the individualized frequency habits
- Increasingly using framework 2 perspectives on daily ‘coursework’
- Moving into ‘college’ or spiritual school [self-actualization]
- Root Issues on Thorns
- Individual exercise and group support for clarity
- What is the last hanging thread of the resistance, how to clip it
- Phoenix