The purpose of this program is to jack you into the ‘sota’ (river) that is the truth; aka the stream that is your sauce.
Recognizing your existence as an energy game with a primary task of getting your Eagle out from under the Water (spirit-robbed-materialism), so that it spread its wings and sail the high skies (truth-freedom).
The issue is the ‘sickenss’ has been habituated and normalized around you so widely that you often fail to see it clearly, but for true, the majority of the populace is cut off from its source and its zest and thusly lost and confused – and because the body speaks – when we are missing zesty-oxygen (spiritual vitality) that flows from alignment with high-truth, we find resultingly that our biology begins to betray us (real science on emotional states prompting DNA to direct disintegration or repair).
Your posture, expressions and juju communicate your inner state consistently and clearly. Loosing touch with the high skies that are your rightful home causes you to slouch, and wither, and dither.
Important aspects of your song are being unsung, your walk is unstrut, and thusly, your spirit-pressed-posture-vessel sags without its mustard (because biology don’t lie).
This is the crux of what we are up against.
So resolving this, we are wise to reclaim our power, stand tall, and strut our stuff.
Free will environments have rules, and your power is either harnessed or ciphered (str8 up)
Two remedies: Revving the Engine, and Jacking In.
REVVING THE ENGINE (gaining in chi)
Your #1 project is to “revv your engine” – or do your part to “meet the Universe half-way” -which is to say: to become your version of a sexy skillet – hot like the sauce that you are.
This is a frequency game and the drill is for on fire.
-> Energy on fleek. Diet lit. Workout routine varied, holistic, primal, high-tech, efficient and fun.
Dancing like a prince. You are worthy of this and it is your only home.
BONUS – Sauce
Beyond the obvious – muscles, expressions, postures – you will find the “you that you are“ extends far beyond your pores: that you are an electric tingle assuredly, a creature that weaves into this plane.
THUSLY – you want learn to work health-life from your subtle energy layer. And this is your great power; for spirit is in fact driving (with physics and mind-body sciences to prove this 100% 100%)
Having done part 1 in meeting the Universe Half Way, we call in the rest. (Ask and you shall receive).
Magically Initiated is to be convinced of the high skies; and obviously called back into them by your guidance system (which is immaculate). To have a hand reach down from above and touch you, tap you, invite you.
// The portion of you that knows the full
To begin (through having earned it via your revving of the engine) to be called home and into standing by your elders that endearingly and encouragingly provide you the breadcrumb trail you need. Your higher selves literally hitting you on the head.
And this will forever instill within you a fire that cannot be undone.
To the ego that we hold, there are obvious gains to get us to go.
You will look your best. Move your best.
Which we call: hot like a skillet — a spiritual sexy; the you that you are in framework 2 health is a radiant thug pulsing with desire for a creation that is its choosing. One who has revved the engine oozes something desirable.
Holistic health. Foundations for a lifetime.
Then on top of this, the Electric Bolt to crown the jewel you are – is being magically initiated and jacked-in.
Due to the lovely truth that the spirit is driving and in charge of this and all realities, the fastest way to achieve your goals is to drive from that layer of your self. This is where fire that is sustainable comes from, and this is the prime spark your vessel needs to strut your stuff. We will learn to charge from this daily.
How this Sprint Works
We will do this as a structured regimen for 6 months.
Bi-weekly full group calls.
Homework will be rolled out to you continually – and your personal variance and goal setting will tailor it appropriately
Check the curricula page for details.
Body tools and the whole kit kaboodle.
Why Diamond Tears?
A diamond is something fueled by pressure – no pressure, no diamond, as the expression goes.
Transmutation is seizing the helm and realizing that you are in a crucible for your hatching. That you are meant to overcome not to fold.
The game plan, strategy and tools to do this are m.o. of the 6month roll
Now for Tears. Buddha say reality contains suffering. (note – not that reality is suffering). Accepting reality as-is will provoke much desired transmutation.
Which provokes us to TEAR – to truly become ripped.
Proper sight of your reality will provoke you to become ripped. You must be sensitive enough to shed a tear, first, for Gaia has much in store once you do.
Why Sotapanna School
The curricula and tools are housed at Sotapanna School, a term which means ‘to enter a stream’. The Buddhists used this to mark the first stage of Enlightenment, which we adopted gladly.
FLOW is the simple thing. To realize the magic is this.
Wise Are the Ways